28 June 2007

Big Sky Country

Today we moved dozens of big cardboard boxes, the contents of which span 10 years of archive and about 8 companies... don't ask why, it's a long story. Anyways, those boxes had to be carried from the second floor of building A to the first floor of building B, again, don't ask why, it's still a long story. When we finally had crashed in front of the office and sitting in the rare sunlight - I mean even though it is June,the weather seems to think it's November or something - a friend of my boss arrived and a very strange conversation started that left me wondering.
Boss: "Hey, I heard you got a great interim job?"
FoB (friend of boss): "Yeah, I am working for *some company* and if I play this right I will be introduced to *some network group* which will get me lots of other projects!"
Boss: "But you do make money with this one right??"
FoB: "Yeah, yeah, although not much... its a bit of an investment... only 180 euros an hour..."

This happened while I was gazing at beautiful white clouds sailing by through the blue sky. And I realized how much more I love big blue skies with clouds than *only* 180 euros an hour. I mean at 180 euros an hour you make about three times my monthly salary in a week. Still I couldn't be bothered less... which is really something nobody at the office will ever understand. Instead of making a ton of money, which I probably could if I wanted to, I'd rather be free and watch clouds and make enough money to live.

05 June 2007

Bright Moments

"The sense I have is that there's an unease, an uncomfortable sense about the whole Guantanamo milieu. There's just a sense of too many shortcuts in the whole process,"

Full Story Here

This must qualify as the brightest moment in recent American political history... compliments to Senator Arlen Specter, the senior Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee. He is not sure of course, he just 'senses' Guantanomo Bay smells a bit fishy...

Would that be the smell of corroding liberal values? Or no, wait, it could also be rotting justice.

Here is my bright moment: I sense that the powers-that-be in Washington need a good hard look back at American\Western history and get to grips with what being a liberal and democratic country meant again: especially in times of what they consider war...

03 June 2007

Am I going crazy or what...

I figured that I *am* going crazy since:

- it doesn't worry me that I know who Shuppiluliuma I is...
- it makes sense that Tudkhaliya II was married to Nikkalmati...
- I know where the land Kizzuwatna is...
- I accept without question that Pudukhepa was the wife of Hattushili III and she was a born and bred Kizzuwatnanian (or whatever they call the people from Kizzuwatna; Kizzuwatnaniese, Kizzuwatnas) ...
- I start to forget the difference between studying and reading Lord of the Rings...