27 September 2006

Koreans are weird, in a funny kind of way

If anybody happens to have the foggiest clue what kind of robot this korean company is selling I'd appreciate it if you could let me know. Maybe there is someone out there capable of translating korean english to english english...

"Small-sized fondling robot: With above basic of the robot which is started together it is a condition which it moves. When new operation order widely known it is not the schedule hour passes, the sleep-mode holds automatically. When the robot is to a autonomous mode, from back of the robot it hides by the hand, or, when it catches it escapes quickly. It operates well from the interior environment where the luminous intensity is different.
Two it continues legs of the robot and to hit. In the future it goes after short time with the LED color of a flame which informs a ready state together. Of course compared to it is a game which the for robot wins far.
Three it continues legs of the robot and it gives a shock. The sing it enters into a a song mode, it informs a birthday song."

03 September 2006

Pictures online

I posted final cut pictures of my trip to the UK on my deviant page. So far I have cut pictures from London, Wimpole Hall, Cambridge and Stonehenge. More might follow depending on available time.

This is only a small selection of pictures. I took over 200 photographs which are available to view at my place for the die-hard fans only.