NVD: Paedophilia and politics
I have a very open mind regarding anyone's political or religious standpoints... but I personally consider this really as over the edge. However, besides the enormous stereotypical mediahype which has jumped these people there are some very thoughtprovoking issues that deserve to be adressed properly. Properly meaning: rational consideration of the implications instead of a fervent first passionate reaction. I am not a very big fan of baseball-bat politics.
My first point is morally. I am a liberal. I strongly believe that sexual urges are a very personal matter and as such the urge should never be classified as legal or unlegal. Giving in to certain urges is another matter. Conscious or unconscious action by any individual is subject to the rules and laws of society. Whether we like it or not, only society decides what is wrong. I am a very happy heterosexual living in a state which has defined such borders quite clearly and quite broad. Paedophilia is outside those borders. Homo/bisexuality, prostitution and a whole range of other so-called "undecent" behaviours is legal and should be so. I don't practice/make use of it but if other people need that freedom that is very fine by me. Who am I to judge them? Paedophilia is another matter entirely. It is unlegal and immoral simply because it is a relationship between people who are not equals. There is a reason we consider children to be minors; we don't allow them to vote or hold citizenrights simply because they haven't grown up (stating the obvious is an art ;) ). Part of not being grown up is the freedom of responsibility. Children should not be forced to carry responsibility or expected to make decisions on an equal level as an adult.
Thus by it's very nature paedophilia results in abuse. Abuse, at the very least, because you force children into making decisions they should not have to make. Sexual abuse, no matter how many proposals anyone does, is a crime and should remain so. Sexuality in any form is a matter between consenting equals.
A second point which makes me think are the political aspects. If these people want to participate in the upcoming parliamentary elections (May 2007) they should register at the electorate commision with a list of at least 60.000 signatures. I cannot possibly imagine them collecting such an ammount. But if they did, should we prevent them to? I fear we have little to stop them and I am wondering if I would be in favour of a ban. When they meet the official criteria for becoming a party a ban would be very damaging to our democracy. Probably more damaging than allowing them to participate. Who in this nation can be trusted with the power to allow or disallow politcal parties/thoughts/ideas on moral grounds? The answer in a democracy is by it's very nature of course 'nobody'. Compare it to the euthanasia debate which raged during the 90s. Before legalizing active euthanasia in The Netherlands it was considered murder and immoral. In short it was as much a crime as paedophilia. Nonetheless it became a political issue and eventually after a heavy and long debate a parliamentary majority approved a law which under certain conditions legalized euthanasia. Regardless of my personal opinion, isn't this the very same thing? If it is, should that not mean that if the NVD meets all criteria to participate they should be allowed to do so and be engaged in democratical debate? The real issue here is do we trust democracy enough to be capable of handling these extremes?